Saturday, July 31, 2010

Yup, I'm Lucy

Good news!  Radiation isn't sucking too bad anymore.  Gotta tell you, it's a huge relief.  It's been much more comfortable than the first two times I went.  It probably has to do with a change of attitude – MY attitude.  I decided that this is only part of my day, not the whole day.  It still takes 2 hours in total, but, that's just two hours out of 24.  It's still a pill to have to calculate that into your daily life, but, what are you going to do?  

Bonus, there's a Mexican restaurant a block away that's awesome & a fruit & veggie stand on the way home.  I love that about summer; that & my deck that's exploding with flowers, bushes & vines.  The heat – I could do without.

I've decided to get back to writing.  I have the job at The Examiner (I've got 3-4 articles I'm working on), & I picked up free lance work with a Philadelphia area magazine.  Plus, I've stalled finishing my book long enough.  I need to be able to provide more than just quips to agents.  I have to string the whole book together & until I do, I'm going to put dealing with agents on the back burner.  Got enough going on right now! 

I've GOT to tell you about what happened when I got home the other day.  I'd worn a peasant top & a similar, very full, skirt.  It was in the middle of a (what's beginning to feel like an endless series of) heat wave of almost 100 degree days.  I was telling Matt & Gretchen about my day & while doing so, hiked my skirt up.  Since I'm a fidget, I was swaying side to side a bit.  They both started laughing & through the laughter, managed to tell me that I'd (yet again) reminded them of my name sake:
Yup, I came about the moniker "Brunette Lucy" honestly.  In fact, I was telling Michele about something I'd done the other day when she said that my life should come with a laugh track.  

Yesterday, Aubrie brought a package up for me.  It wasn't big enough to be what I was expecting, so I was baffled.  Then I saw the return address, Dorothy Brandes.  She's the lady who sent me a mastectomy bra for free.  You can find the link to her eBay store to the right of this.  She doesn't sell just mastectomy products, though.  She has all kinds of lingerie, so give her a look-see.  Her eBay store is called "Smiley's Treasures".

I opened the package to find that she'd sent me an "I Love Lucy" hat.  Here's the picture:
 Is anyone noticing an (almost) entire entry devoted solely to Lucy here?  Yikes!

She wrote a note in which she explained that she'd bought the hat years ago at a yard sale.  She didn't know why she did, though, as she never wore it.  For unknown reasons to her at the time, she just wanted that hat.  She shared that now she knows why – it was meant for me.  Isn't that the coolest thing ever??  It's amazing how things like that happen.  Thank you SO much, Dorothy!

On a sad note, though, her good friend was just diagnosed with breast cancer.  She underwent a double mastectomy recently.  I'm so sad for her, since she's at the beginning of her journey.  I hope that, like me, she'll be surrounded by wonderful family, friends, doctors & nurses.  In my book, if Dorothy's her friend, then she's well taken care of.

I'll tell you all about what happens at radiation in the next day or two.  I'm looking at Google images to show you what the machine looks like. 


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