Saturday, June 2, 2012

Relay for Life - New Hope

Today, I went to New Hope to speak at the American Cancer Society Relay for Life at the invitation of Linda Pickett. She'd read my article "Different Kind of Mother's Day" in Patch. I had an amazing time & have lots to tell you about. I'm going to have to do it tomorrow, though, as I'm so, so tired. Plus, since I was operated on recently on my left boob, it's bothering me. I also have pictures to go thru, plus I met an AMAZING musician, Abraham Weaver (, his wife and their daughter. I'll be giving his specifics out as well, since I think he I & his beautiful family are awesome.

Will post photos tomorrow! In the meantime, good night. And good night to all those wonderful people who are spending the night in tents at New Hope-Solebury High School tonight as part of the 24 hour Relay for Life. God Bless them all.

Oh, & Jack, you were one of the highlights of my day! Thank you.

1 comment:

Linda Pickett said...

You were one of the highlights of our day! Thank you for sharing!

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