Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Holy Crap!

K, before I toddle off to bed, I checked out the description that my blog was given. I swear, I didn't write this; apparently one of my readers sent this in. Anyways, here it is:

This is making me feel something foreign - flattered. THANK YOU to whomever submitted this!! Write me at my email,, & let me know who you are. As Ricky Ricardo would say, "You've got some 'splainin' to do!" 

Seriously, though, thank you. I'm truly, truly humbled.


Hi, Everyone,

Yet again, I'm behind! Sorry! I have an article that I'm writing to describe the reconstruction process, which I'll post soon. 

I want to say, again, that if your doctor recommends a mastectomy, please consider it! It was a hard decision (I wrote about that in Mastectomy  - the hardest, and probably best, decision I ever made), but it was the best decision for me. Having a breast removed is hands down one of the worst things a woman can hear; my stomach hit the floor. BUT, these days, they can do amazing things! My plastic surgeon is Dr. Neal Topham of Fox Chase Cancer Center - I wrote about him in "New boobies are coming, new boobies are coming" (you can see a photo of him in that article). He's very quiet, but he does amazing work! I thought that due to all the surgeries I'd had on my abdomen due to c-sections and endometriosis I wouldn't be a candidate for the TRAM flap. Most other surgeons would have agreed - not Dr. Topham. You should SEE my new boob! It's awesome. Plus, I got a tummy tuck. So there really, truly is light at the end of the tunnel. I'll post the full, in depth process in about a week. 

Also, my column is going crazy! People are actually reading my drivel. It's a Festivus for the Rest of Us miracle. My latest one, "Would you Buy a Smart Car" has lit up the comment sections in all the cities I'm being carried. I've provided the link to Upper Southampton, where a guy was really a snot. I thought the girl that he tried to lambast made him look like a troll. Good for her!

OK, back to laying down & moaning. I had an implant put in ol' lefty on Thursday, and it feels like my rib is broken. Besides, moaning & groaning is one of the few things I do with such staggering efficiency. Will write more.

PS Did you SEE that BreastCancerBlogs.Org gave me a badge for being one of the best breast cancer blogs? Folks, this is a sad state of affairs when people are giving ME any type of award, badge, or recognition. It only encourages me to write more drivel. Well, anyways, now me & my big swollen head are off to bed to continue the aforementioned moaning and groaning.
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